About Us
We are a leading technology provider of advanced light sources, chemical sensors, and biomedical sensors based on advanced optics and proprietary optical fibers. Our technology and product developments have received international acclaim, including selection to Time Magazine’s Best Inventions of 2007.
Our experienced staff of scientists and engineers includes subject matter experts in physics, chemistry, biochemistry, signal processing, and algorithm development, with product development expertise in electronic hardware design, software design, and mechanical design for sensors and instruments.

Excellence in Advanced Sensing
IOS has a successful history of commercialization through direct product sales, spin-off companies, and licensing/royalty agreements with small businesses and large defense contractors.
The IOS customer base includes companies such as General Motors, Corning Corporation, Honeywell, and Smiths Detection, and U.S. Government agencies including NASA, TSWG, NSF, NIH, EPA, the Departments of Energy, Homeland Security, Commerce, Transportation, and Agriculture, and the U.S. Army, the U.S. Navy, and the U.S. Air Force.